Sunday, July 27, 2003

Today... Nothing

The pugs woke me up by knocking something over downstairs, so I ended up growling at them as I took them out. But now they are fed and snuffling around my feet hoping I'll drop more food to them, which would be a neat trick as I'm not eating anything at the moment.

Today's plans include sleeping, reading a book or two, more sleeping (as much as the pugs will tolerate), resting, watching the M's game, and more reading. Hopefully the pugs will behave.

In my plans for future blogs when I get home and have a computer I'm comfortable with: a post on the crackdown of internet piracy, something intelligent about Blog-A-Thon 2003 (check out Elayne Riggs' participation, wow! Maybe I'll be her designated blogger next year), and my rapid reviews. Yeah, I've read my week's comics, but I don't want to write my reviews here with pugs snuffling on my legs (and I really wish Buster would stop sneezing on me... pug snot! Yuck!).

I'll also be checking in on the grandparents who live downstairs. It really is a good thing I'm here. While the pugs are the apparent reason, my mother-in-law said that if her parents didn't live downstairs, she would just kennel the pugs when they went on trips. Having me take care of the pugs is a good excuse for me to be around to support the grandparents. Since Grandma is getting over a bout of bad health, it's been very good for me to be here. I was able to lend a much-needed hand on Friday night, when Grandma got a little sick and failed to tell Grandpa about it. I had just come down to check on them when I discovered the problem and made Grandma lie down while I cleaned up. She was trying to get it all clean by herself. Why make her do it when there's young strong hands in the house?

The weather has been fantastic around here. Warm, but not hot. Sunshine ('the burning cloud that makes the rest of the clouds turn blue!') and light breezes. It's actually a nice time to live in Seattle. Even the walks with the pugs aren't too bad.

Well, I'm off to sleep, read, and do whatever else I must do. See ya.