Saturday, August 23, 2003

Buncha Random Thought-like Thingys

Looks like a lot of people are finding my blog thanks to my throwaway comment on Ozzy Osborne's awful rendition of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" at a recent Cubs game. Folks, it was horrible. He didn't know the words. He mumbled the song. It was awful. And the night it happened, I swear that every news and sports report I stumbled across showed it. I couldn't avoid it.

I confess. I've been playing blogshares. Staying up all night while hurting meant that I needed to find something to do. I started playing B$ and suddenly started showing up on the Best Players of the Month list. I'm probably still on it somewhere. Very odd.

Boobies! That's right, Boobies! What, don't you like Boobies?

Ah, how about the lifestyle of a news story according to the world of blogging. This one is pretty amusing. via The Volokh Conspiracy

Johnny Bacardi weighs in on the CrossGen fiasco.

Legomancer covers comics, particularly mature readers comic books like Powers. He has pretty much the same opinion of the Powers letter column that I have.

I've been mentioning Wildguard for some time here on my blog... so I might as well mention the nice interview on Pulse with Todd Nauck about the book. The first issue is due out on September 10th. That's already shaping up to be a good week for comics for me.

Hubby-Eric has updated his blog with some information about the new program that his new school has, including what they are using the Gates Foundation grant for. I found it interesting.

We had an exterminator come to see if he could find the cause of the many house flies that we thought might be coming from some sort of deceased creature in the attic. He found nothing in the attic, and nothing in the crawl space, although I understand he couldn't reach every part of the crawl space. So the mystery of the flies remains unsolved.

Jim Henley has an interesting article on the fundamental anti-Christianity of antisemitism. Basically, if you claim to be Christian, yet blame "the Jews" for the pre-ordained death of Christ, you aren't really paying much attention to your own religion. I agree. Antisemitism is stupid.

Here's an interesting site. A guy traveling around Iraq taking pictures and making observations. One picture you won't see is a picture of him: "But here I am a Hobo. I like to travel more then I like to write this newsletter or blog. If I was famous, or people could see me and recognize me, they would think maybe I am special. I am just me. Nothing special. Just a guy enjoying life as I wish. If a person could recognize me I would be famous." via BuzzMachine

An Iranian's view of what's been happening in Alabama. Go, Read. also via BuzzMachine

Next up: Sketchbook picture.