Fox News is suing Al Franken for using the words "Fair and Balanced" in the subtitle of his book. Next up they will be suing anyone who uses the word "and". What little respect I had for Fox News went away when they became Bush Cheerleaders instead of a news outlet. Now they are below even that level of disdain.
BTW: I know my blog is anything *but* fair and balanced, but I can't resist joining the bloggers who are changing their names to "Fair and Balanced" in protest. It's just too amusing.
There's a great cartoon at about the Castillo case. Yeah, you gotta watch a commercial to see the whole thing if you aren't a subscriber already, but I thought it was worth it. via Neil Gaiman
Possibly in response to retailers being more vulnerable after the Castillo case, Peter David is warning people about the slightly more explicit content of Fallen Angel. Despite not being in the Vertigo line, PAD says the book is for mature readers.
Mark Evanier is having fun with a non-existent Dick Van Dyke Comic. After confessing to faking the cover of the "first" issue, he's put together covers and plotlines to the second and the third issues.
There's a bit on the NASA page about the possibility of predicting earthquakes using data collected from space. Right now the predictions tend to be a little vague, like: "a 62% chance of a major quake (magnitude 6.7 or greater) hitting the area sometime within the next 30 years", so anything would be an improvement. via slashdot. reports on the Blaster Worm, which apparently had something to do with the major outage at Comcast.
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