Monday, August 18, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 13 August 2003 - Part V

Batman Archives Vol 1: Lots and Lots of little stories. I LOVE Golden Age reprints. They are quite nicely bite-sized and fun. And it's always interesting to see Batman using guns. All told, this is a great archive, and I wish we could see more Golden Age characters reprinted (like, oh, Aquaman). 4 starfish

Miranda #2: Despite the length of time since the last issue, this was pretty easy to get back into. Miranda is the empress of the universe, but she didn't know that until she was brought forward in time to become the empress... and there's a whole lot of political intrigue that she has got to learn in record time. The artwork is mostly good, but there is a fight sequence that got very confusing. There's also a bit of a problem with word balloon placement that disrupts the flow of the story. All-in-all, though, it's a good issue. 3 1/2 starfish

Miranda #3: After learning of her immediate fate, Miranda flees... Again, strong storytelling artwork. This issue is stronger on flow, and gives us more tastes of the overall story-arc. Another good issue. I'm mildly disturbed at the "Issue four available at the end of July" proclamation on the back cover, though. Wonder when we'll get it? 3 1/2 starfish

Aquaman Chronicles #10: I usually am not inclined to review this publication, as I'm usually a contributor. Circumstances made it impossible for me to contribute to this issue, though, so I can safely comment on it. Let's see... great cover by Joe Rubinstein of Aquaman and Orion, which sets the tone for the stuff inside. There's a simply incredible article about Don Newton by Barry Keller, who runs the Art of Don Newton website. Then we get into the New Gods information, including speculation on Orion's long feud with Aquaman. Richard Duncan reports on his submission to DC Comics: A crossover with Aquaman and Orion. There's a lot more, too. This is a huge issue of what I'm finding to be one of the most professional fanzines I've ever seen. Check it out.