Saturday, January 03, 2004

A Post I Wrote Yesterday Afternoon

Here's a new experience for me. Writing a blog somewhere other than my house. I don't have an internet connection here, but I can save this for posting later. I'm in Ballard. The clouds are glowering, more of them rolling in... as I sit in the waiting room while my husband's car gets an oil change. It's strange, to be able to type and get computing done even though I'm not plugged into an outlet. It's a new experience in a lot of ways. I like it.

I hope to be able to blog on the road this summer, if hubby-Eric and I do decide to go on the summer trip together. That's not a certain thing at all, and I'm ready for it to not happen. In addition, I don't know how I'll be able to connect to the 'net when I'm away from home. I seem to recall that for San Diego 2000, Leah had her laptop, and we hooked up with Juno then used other software to use the connection. If we go on the trip, I'm going to have to figure out if I've got a modem (I think I do, but I don't have the connections for it), then from there figure out how to dial into a service. I wonder if Comcast has dial-in numbers for travelers?

I've discovered a couple more things about my laptop. I hate the built-in mouse, so I try to use a regular mouse with it. When I got to this waiting room, though, I didn't have anywhere to move the mouse on. I found that I could use the mouse just fine on the little space in front of the keypad as long as I didn't need to type as well. I suspect that if I fly and take the laptop, I will be using the built-in mouse.

I also discovered how to take screen grabs from DVDs I'm watching. This is helpful for hubby-Eric, who wants to eventually make a page about the "hanging man" in the Wizard of Oz, complete with screen grabs of the bird that people mistook for a man.

Ah, the car is done... time to leave. We want to get home before snow starts to fall tonight.