Saturday, January 03, 2004

Sketchbook - Stefano Gaudiano

The story of this sketch is told in my con report from the day I got it. That was an odd convention. It was a case of going to a con after we'd already agreed that it was too expensive. We had a good time, and I got six sketches. Rick Hoberg and Stefano Gaudiano were sitting together, and promoting their Batman Family books. Both guys were gentlemen, and both did sketches. Like most artists, I watched Stefano work on my sketch, and when he'd finished the pencil work he held it up to me and asked if I thought it needed to be inked. Loaded question for me, as I enjoy artwork both ways. His pencils were heavy enough, though, I didn't want to lose any of the deatil, so I said I thought it would be just fine the way it was. He agreed, and this is the result.

by Stefano Gaudiano
10 November 2002
(permission to post given 2 November 2003 via e-mail)

I like the way his signature follows the lines of the image. He also used his eraser effectively to improve Aquaman's hair. And I also got two new fish to add to the Aquafish museum.

To see all the sketches I have permission to post so far, check out my Sketchbook Page. If you have any contact information for any of the other artists I'm trying to contact, please e-mail me. Click for a random Aquaman sketch.