Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Random Thoughts

Virus warning: If I (or anyone) sends you an e-mail with a vague subject (like "hello"), just don't open it. If I write an e-mail, I try to make sure the subject gives a quick summation of the note. There's another virus out there, and while I don't think I'm infected, now that I'm using Outlook (I know, I know) I'm less confident than I used to be when I used Pine on a telnet connection.

If you've got pennies to spare, send some to Sean Collins, who is in tough financial times. Heck, it's a better cause than helping me to buy a new computer.

The Captain is having a caption contest for the cover of the latest JLA issue. Go, ye creative folk! Make us all laugh!

H at the Comic Treadmill has a story of a bad comic shop. It amazing how unprofessional some of those folks can be. While H is complaining about bad shops, Mag has a tale of cat stupidity... a little off-topic, but funny nonetheless.

Elayne corrects my misspelling of Blokus and links to their website, complete with on-line versions of the game. Thanks for the tip, Elayne! Like I said, this game has sold like crazy from the shop I work at. And people then come back and buy copies for their friends, which generally is a good sign with a game.

Johnny B has the same reaction as I did to Jim Henley's review of New Frontier. Yup, Jim's right, and I missed it. That's why I don't do reviews for money. I can only offer my reaction, and I liked the book on the first read-through.

To those of you who use Haloscan for your commenting: If you pay $10 to Haloscan, you get a year's worth of upgraded service. That includes no textads at the bottom of the comment box, and a higher limit on the comment lengths (1000 characters per comment versus 3000 characters for premium members). Maybe it's not perfect, but if you like Haloscan free, consider upgrading to help support the service.

Franklin Harris links to a New York Times article on copyright. I've still got some thoughts rattling around in my head about copyrights, and my opinion may even be changing. I just haven't been able to get them down into words yet.

Mark Evanier links to an article by Fred Kaplan that dissects the language in the original Kay report. Interesting reading on political-speak.

Hubby-Eric links to a Dave Barry column from his Wizard of Oz Party Page. Heh.

Yes, I've heard about the Namor movie. No, I'm not that interested, thanks for asking. No more e-mails, please?

Fun post on Shakespeare by Peter David. My own experiences with enjoying Shakespeare run from a spectacular presentation of "The Tempest" I saw at the Seattle Rep while in High School and a fantastic teacher in college (Marjorie Donker).

Nice preview pics of Abadazad #1 at Newsarama, which also reports that the shipping date is now Feb 18th.

Newsarama also has an update on Jeff Parker, whose book Interman got four starfish from me.