Sunday, January 04, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 2 January 2004

Astro City: Local Heroes #5: The second part of the story started last issue. It continues to be a horror story. The lawyer helps a mob boss's son escape a rap for murder only to get himself in a serious moral dilemma. This part was good, but didn't make as much sense. The whole thing with the dreams took a little long to develop. Once it developed, it was good, but it was confusing for awhile. 3 1/2 starfish

Empire #6: Oh my. I think last issue was far better for simple shock value. What little I've enjoyed about this series didn't show up in this issue, either. It wasn't horrible, and it delivered the promised prize, but it was still not the kind of book I want to read much. 3 starfish

Green Lantern #172: I can't even remember what happened in this issue. I'm sitting here a few hours later, and none of it is coming back to me. I think there was more of the space bits. And something about Sinestro, but not. Oh well. Maybe this book will get better someday. 2 1/2 starfish

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satapi: This is an amazingly easy book to read. That's what makes it so powerful. The book is told from Marji's point of view, and covers Marji's life in Iran from about 1979 until 1984. Marji was 10 in 1980, very close to my age. Her childhood couldn't have been more different than mine... and yet there are a number of aspects of Marji that I identify with strongly. Her desire to have someone in the family to brag about, for instance. Unfortunately, as she learns, she has plenty to brag about. The artwork is simplistic, but contains everything needed to tell the story. When you combine the simple art with the straightforward narrative, then add in the intense subject matter, the result is a one of those immediately classic works that should be required reading. 4 1/2 starfish