Monday, January 26, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 21 January 2004 - Part III

Batman Adventures #10: Another good one. After the last issue I was a bit worried that it had lost the magic, but this is back on track. Catwoman has always been very good in the Animated universe, and she's great here, from the paint trick to the daring rescue. I hope the series stays at this level. 4 starfish

Arrowsmith #5: Oh wow. Not the ending I was expecting, though I've been expecting a mission like the one they get since seeing the events of the last issue. Nor did I expect Rocky's bit in the plot. Oh wow. When is the next issue out? 4 starfish

Next Week: Powers, PS238, Green Lantern, JLA, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Wildguard, Amazing Spider-Man, and Abadazad, if everything arrives on time.