Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Oops. Happy Belated... Again

My record on birthdays this year is dismal. I keep forgetting. And here I even forgot my little brother's birthday! Ack! Happy belated little brother. Hope life is treating you and your family well.

My little brother is the next youngest in the family after me. He was born when I was four years old, and I hated him from the start. First off, I was just old enough to start enjoying being the baby of a large family when he came along and ruined it. The second reason had to do with an insensitive nurse at the hospital when we went to see him. There were complications of some sort, even today I'm not clear on the details and I don't want to be. I know my little brother was too big, and the doctor had to break his collarbone to get him born. And I know what the nurse told me as the reason we couldn't see my mom in the hospital that day. "Your mom turned blue" she said. I was FOUR YEARS OLD. I had no clue what "turning blue" signified, but the way she said it, and the way other people reacted to it, made me think that it was the worst possible thing to happen to a mom. I blamed little brother for that.

There were other reasons, when we were growing up, that made little brother and I a natural rivalry. We really didn't get along at all until we became grown-ups. And while we aren't as close as I am with some of my other sibs, I can say that I'm really ashamed that I forgot to mention his birthday on the day. Sorry, Daniel.