Thursday, February 12, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 11 February 2004 - Television

Smallville: Velocity [3-13]: The set-up to the dilemma was good, and the dilemma itself was pretty strong, but overall I wasn't that impressed with the episode. I can't quite put my finger on what was lacking, but it felt like a filler episode. Nothing special. Not bad, but nothing to write home about. It's like Pete is still being held at a distance. This didn't really reveal anything new about him, at least not to me. At least the ending of the show held true... Clark refusing to play hoops with the guy who put him into that horrible situation. 3 starfish

Angel: Why We Fight: Angel is one of those strange shows that can be deadly serious one week, then incredibly funny the next. This one was mostly dead serious, and was also a nice homage to countless thrillers set on submarines. I'm sure I'll learn more about the details of the show once I read Peter David's opinion on the episode, but I liked this one. It accomplished the feel of a WWII submarine movie while not removing the normal slightly campy silliness of the show. And, c'mon, it's just too much fun to say "Nazi Vampires on a Submarine!" 3 1/2 starfish

And after seeing the promos for next week, I'm looking forward to watching Angel more than Smallville. Clark gets seduced (yawn) versus Angel turning into a puppet. I'll take the puppet, thanks.

And lastly, I don't plan on seeking out either Angel or Buffy. But if someone were to go to my wishlist and buy me the first season of either Angel or Buffy, I promise I would watch and review them. Yeah, not much of a promise, but I'm not likely to get any of the DVD sets as it stands. I figure if anyone is actually curious enough to see my opinion, they'll put their money where their mouth is. Note that I'm not holding my breath.