Saturday, February 14, 2004

Sketchbook - Siya Oum

The story of this sketch is told in my con report from the day I got it.

by Siya Oum
16 November 2003
(permission to post given 16 November 2003 in person)

Siya is a model. If the link to her page isn't working, it's easy enough to do a search on her name and find pictures of her. Amazingly, she's a pretty decent artist, too. This sketch just has the look for a Valentine's day post, and so it's this week's Saturday Sketch.

To see all the sketches I have permission to post so far, check out my Sketchbook Page. If you have any contact information for any of the other artists I'm trying to contact, please e-mail me. Click for a random Aquaman sketch.