Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Random Thoughts

YES! The Daleks are back! Gallifrey One has the good news, along with links to virtually every news source in Britain also covering the news.

The Modulator has found an image search engine that doesn't turn up my site on a search for "aquaman". That might be because I don't actually name most of my images "aquaman.jpg" or something, since they are on an Aquaman page already.

Technorati has informed me that Removable Tutu has linked to me. Everyone go check it out. And I'm not sure, have I linked to Tom the Dog yet?

Considering that I can't get my wireless connection if I go too many rooms away from my router, this is impressive. Via Various and Sundry.

Don't release piranha in public fountains.

I'm as angry as everyone else at a woman named Katherine Tarbox's attempts to steal the domain name by titling her book with the domain name (instead of her own: and then threatening the real owner both through her publisher and through her own lawyers. I hope Tarbox loses this one as she's a sneak-thief and a scumbag, despite whatever may have happened to her to cause her to write the book.

If you are going to have a drug war, at least educate the warriors. People should not be harrassed like this. Via The Modulator.

Other people besides political junkies who find this Electoral College Predictor useful: teachers. "On the other hand, there is a group of people who don't think this site is for weirdos: teachers. I have received a lot of mail from elementary school, high school and college teachers who use it in their classes. Math teachers use it to discuss statistical sampling. In other words, can you really expect to get an idea of what a million people think by asking only 1000? How accurate is that? Geography teachers ask what makes the red states different from the blue states? Why do people vote the way they do? Political science professors are interested in talking about the election process, campaigns, historical trends, and so on. Even some elementary school teachers have said they are using the site to explain how democracy works to their students. The Internet, as usual, is full of surprises."

If this works, you should see the current Electoral College prediction below:


And lastly, here's a picture from Nancy's Garden. This isn't a passion flower.