Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Review Copy Reviews - AIT/Planet Lar

Just as I was adding up the comic book order and discovering that we don't have quite enough money to swing getting Five Fists of Science this month (hopefully we can order it later), a package arrives from Larry with two books in it! I was delighted to get Electric Girl, which I knew I would enjoy, but I wasn't as sure about Full Moon Fever... except for the concept, which is just so cool...

Full Moon Fever: Ok. Werewolves. Cool. Werewolves on the MOON. Excuse me, but can you beat that for a concept? It's better than "Snakes on a Plane" by a longshot. I mean, think about it. Werewolves... on the moon! Heh. Werewolves... heh... moon... heh heh... Oh right. I'm reviewing. Sorry.

There were a few too many characters to keep straight at the beginning of the book, but that problem didn't last too long. The artwork helped a lot in keeping the main characters clear, particularly Zeke, who is a face in the crowd at the start of the book. And the story... it was mostly pow after biff after bang, all fun, fast and gross. Gross? Well, yeah. The main characters are plumbers on the moon. Ok, not as cool as werewolves on the moon, but still very, very cool.

So, the two concepts colliding make for a nice little story. Plumbers versus werewolves on the moon. You can probably guess which group comes out better. And yet, while you might predict the ending, the ride is definitely worth it. Heh. Werewolves on the moon. Heh. 3 starfish

Electric Girl Vol 3: Another excellent collection of stories featuring Virginia the Electric Girl and her wonder dog Blammo! Speaking of, Blammo has some really good bits in this one, including Oogleeoog getting at him without ever getting near him. And we also get the introduction of Robo-Blammo and an earlier version of the main story from issue #1 that showcases a slightly different visual style. Oh, and the bad hair day story was great too. If you haven't already. I recommend you guys all get all the volumes of this book. 4 starfish

Both these book should be out in stores right now, so run down and check 'em out. Anyone who wants a fun, slightly horrific adventure, get yourself a copy of Full Moon Fever. And just about anybody would enjoy Electric Girl.