Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Random Thoughts

Snopes covers the Internet Warnings. Apparently there is a lot to it, so if you can, get involved and try to save the 'net from corporate takeover. The internet should be free of corporate censorship.

Eagle's Nest Cam.

Making Light on fanfic. While I agree with this attitude, there is some fanfic I don't read. I generally don't read DC Comics fanfic... but I used to read LOTS of Doctor Who fanfic. It's hard to find good quality fanfic as it follows Sturgeon's Law: Ninety percent of everything is crap. I never seem to be able to find the 10% when dealing with fanfic.

Bad Astronomy tackles a hilarious statement about mysterious booms. When I read the original article, before I saw this response to it, I thought the same thing. Uh, doesn't a vacuum cause a loud noise like thunder? Huh.

Need a hand with your bag? Bizarre anti-pickpocket campaign.

He may not be managing once a week, but Cheyenne Wright is really trying to get new material out to his fans. If you want to follow his current storyline from the beginning, start here, but I really recommend reading all his tales, as there really aren't too many of them and it's all fun, especially the convention.

Monopoly is doing a voting thing, where you vote for landmarks from your city to be on the "Here & Now Edition" of the game. The problem, for me and everyone else who lives in Seattle, is that the Space Needle (located at the North end of the waterfront) has somehow been relocated to Pioneer Square (located at the South end of the waterfront). Very, very odd.

Pioneer Squared Space Needle