This year, almost on a whim, I decided to try to grow sunflowers. My mother-in-law graciously supplied me with some seedlings, which are in the back row of the following photo. I had already bought a packet of mixed seeds, and those are growing in the front row. I've been going out and weeding a little every day... not a lot, mind you. I don't mind the weeds as long as they aren't as tall as the sunflowers.
As you can see, they aren't very tall yet. I'm not entirely sure which ones I planted where, nor am I sure how tall they will get. What I do know for sure is that this spot is in the sunlight almost all day during the summer. And the tomatoes I grew here a few years ago thrived. Some year I will manage to build a raised bed along this wall of the house, and do actual planting with a purpose. But for now, let's see how the sunflower experiment works out.
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