Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A Bunch of Videos

After the fold, of course, to keep the main page a little tidy...

Let's start with DJ Earworm's 2016 mashup. DJ Earworm basically takes the year's most popular pop songs and mashes them into a medley. This is the video for this year's version. I'm mildly depressed that I don't recognize most of the songs this year because I've been so out of it for months now...


I'm not sure this one is going to work, but I'm going to try to embed it anyway... this is technically an ad by, but it's enough to make anyone with a heart and a bit of nerdish pride cry.


Let's finish off this post with a couple of Doctor Who related videos. First up is a Doctor-ish take on the Duck Tales theme song, inspired by David Tennant's role in the new Duck Tales series.

And lastly, I would watch this version of Charlie's Angels...