Monday, April 13, 2020

Kidney Saga part 67

Today is blood draw day, so I will have to go out into the scary world.

The weekend was very calm, thank goodness. I'm able to toddle around the house more easily most of the time, although I keep the walker with me in case I run out of energy. I also still need it just after I get up to steady myself a little. But I think I could almost function without it. I did make it downstairs again yesterday, although getting back upstairs was still tough. Progress is being made.

Mentally I've been down a bit. Just general sadness at the state of the world. I really need to stop reading the news so much, and concentrate on healing. I've also started to dream about the virus. The majority of my dreams up until a couple of days ago were about the hospital, now my subconscious is apparently ready to tackle the wider world.

In addition to getting my blood drawn today, I will have a virtual doctor visit with my nephrologist (kidney doctor). I hope to get some medication changes and maybe learn whether the Cytoxan is really doing the good job it feels like its doing. What I could read of my blood test was positive, but I'm no doctor.

My mother-in-law sent a replacement food processor for us so I can make some of the kidney-friendly recipes that call for one. I'm also putting some cooking equipment on my kidney wish list so I can remember to get them because we don't have quite all the stuff I need to make some of the dishes and control portions.

Not much else to say now. I suppose there's a good chance I'll have more to report tomorrow morning.

Full Kidney Saga --- Start Here --- Kidney Wish List --- GoFundMe