Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Kidney Saga part 94

I've had two wonderfully quiet days.

Sunday and Monday were both marked by exhaustion but lots of resting. I stayed offline a lot, played games, read, and was given purr therapy by Inkwell, who seems intent on keeping my treatments regular.

Inkwell got to the point where he started pushing my laptop off my lap if he wanted lap time, all while being extremely vocal about how I needed to put down the electronics and pet him. So I did. And he loved it, and I loved it.

While I'm able to move around upstairs, my strength is still taking its dear sweet time in returning. I do squats on the walker and some of the "stand up sit down" chair exercises, but I probably need more. I'm also still losing weight at a decent clip. Not all of it is water weight any more.

After reading up on diabetes and foot care, I probably need some more socks. I have just enough pairs right now, I think, adding in the ones Eric found that actually came from the hospital, but more would be nice at some point. I'm trying to be good to my feet because I know the consequences if I'm not.

I've been impressed by a couple of my games and how they are adapting to help people get through the pandemic. Pokemon Go has, as I previously mentioned, adjusted some things to allow players to stay home while still having fun. DC Universe Online has opened up episodes so even free-to-play folks can enjoy most of the game (with lots of restrictions - membership is still the way to go). I've been playing both games with great enjoyment in the last few months.

I am finally getting around to reading comic books again. I'm more than a year behind on a lot of them. I decided that, since I don't plan on "reviewing" them for the blog, I'll just put them into series order and read each series. That was a big job, but it's done and I'm reading now. I may do quick series reviews at some point, but I'm not going to push it. One reason I stopped reading is because of eye issues - those are mostly resolved now. Another health problem that seems to be going away! Yay.

My lifelines online are still Gail Simone (who has now turned into a salmon) and Sophie Fatal on Twitch. Both of them keep me in good spirits when I read/watch and both of them are vital to my world. Add in all the other folks who are helping me, and my life is pretty darn good despite the problems.

Full Kidney Saga --- Start Here --- Kidney Wish List --- GoFundMe