Saturday, November 23, 2002

Doctor Who Day

Today is the 39th Anniversary of the 1st showing of Doctor Who.

The very first episode, "An Unearthly Child" holds up well even by today's standards of television. Unfortunately, the three episodes following it that made up the first complete story didn't hold up quite as well.

It's the story of a mysterious girl who has strange gaps in her knowledge, and understanding of some things far beyond most high school students. It's the story of two curious teachers who get themselves into a lot of trouble when they try to solve the mystery of their wonder student. And it's the story of a cranky old man in a funny-looking time machine...

Yes, I'm a Doctor Who fan. Where do you think I got the nickname "Tegan" from?

Many thanks to Steve Hill and his Doctor Who Image Archive for the above pictures taken from "An Unearthly Child".