Sunday, October 31, 2004

All Hallows Eve Random Thoughts

At 3:30 pm, long before dark, our first two Trick or Treaters showed up for the loot. They were the two Fitzgerald kids, who were forewarned about the loot... or at least daddy was... The older girl forgot her Hallowe'en protocol, but did ok after a moment. So. Two down. Will we have to frantically make up more packages of loot? You'll find out later...

Kaja Foglio reports on Hallowe'en. I particularly like the tale of experiment #2 growling right back at the grim reaper. There's a picture of experiment #2 with Kaja and #1 on Torvald's page.

Polite Dissent tells us his favorite Treehouse of Horror shorts. Hubby-Eric agreed with these as I read them out, but I'm sure he could think of many more, as well.

Scary stories on The Moonlit Road.

The Dionaea House... is it fact or is it fiction?

Have a pleasantly creepy night.