Got the latest Previews text file, which has all the comic book listings for books coming out in February 2003. This file is a bit easier to read than Previews Magazine itself because there is no artwork. I know that sounds funny, but considering the huge amount of very bad artwork, sometimes it helps a lot to read a plain text summary of the books before trying to deal with artwork. This means I'll be writing up our rapid previews after I get home from work.
The silence from Pop Keeney last night was deafening. So much so that I actually double-checked to make sure the game was being played there. Yes, it was. And it was close: 24-21. Unfortunately for the Bothell High School team, they got the 21 and are out of the playoffs.
Finally found a picture of young Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy from SpongeBob Squarepants:
Yup, they look an awful lot like Aquaman and Aqualad from the Filmation cartoon. I found that TV Guide on-line actually lists episode names for most of the SpongeBob episodes, so I know my next chance to catch Mermaid Man is this Wednesday on Nick.
And, to make you smile a bit before I head off to work, here's an article about technology that made me hope for the future. All I can say is: Go Maine!
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