Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Rapid Reviews - 27 Nov 2002 - Part I

Batman: Gotham Adventures #56: I vaguely recall the "villian" in this one. Pretty good set-up, funny bits throughout, nice villian fight... it was ok. 3 starfish.

Avengers #60: I'm just tired of this book. I haven't been interested in ages, and this latest arc ended too quickly with a whimper instead of a bang. 2 starfish.

Wonder Woman #186: We dropped this just as a new arc started, so much for my timing. Still, this is yet another book I wasn't enjoying anyway. At least there was a nice summary of each of the characters in this one, making it a decent jumping on point, but the violence is a bit too much. Ah well, buh-bye Wondy. 2 1/2 starfish

Titans #47: I wanted Dolphin to go away, but not take Tempest with her! A very annoying story for that aspect. The sooner some writer kills off Dolphin, the better. 2 starfish.

I also got to see Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy in action on SpongeBob Squarepants (the second episode they were in), and they were better than promised. Every super-hero cliche you could think of and more! I love the conch (yes, Aquaman used to have a conch that certain people could call him with in the Golden Age), not sure about their invisible boat-mobile. Loved the bad guy, Dirty Bubble. The only super-hero thing today I really liked. 4 starfish.

Still left to review: Usagi Yojimbo, Girl Genius, Age of Bronze, Ruse, Thieves & Kings, Lone Wolf and Cub 27, and Cardcaptor Sakura: Master of the Clow 2. I also flipped through Previews and didn't find anything I hadn't already caught from the text files. Definitely going to be a small month in February.