Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Rapid Reviews - 6 Nov 2002 - Part I

Things are going a lot more slowly this week than last, only two books and thoughts on Smallville...

Smallville: Lineage: This was a story I really wanted to see, because I wanted to know how Clark's adoption was arranged ever since Chloe first looked it up. I was not disappointed. This one added new layers to the whole Smallville tale, including more about what Lionel Luthor knows about Clark's secret. This episode counts as a key issue. 4 starfish.

Hawkman #9: Very odd story, but the book has been leading up to this revelation for a time, so I guess it isn't so odd after all. Nice cliffhanger. All-in-all makes me want to keep reading, but doesn't thrill me. 3 starfish.

Superman #188: I got this book only so I could rip out the Aquaman preview in the middle... it was the cheapest book that looked like a stand-alone story. This was a good story, very amusing at first, and then very touching at the end. It also qualifies as stand-alone, so I guess I picked well. This one goes into next year's Halloween box. 3 starfish.

Aquaman Preview: I like the new logo, but having puns like "The New Wave!" on the cover is just irritating.

Only five story pages, but I already like the nobility and strength Aquaman is showing. I'm not keen on the explanation for how the Atlanteans turn the sea life against Aquaman, nor do I think that Vulko would be talking about "murdering our myth" after 15 years of slavery under Gamamnae... but then, I haven't read the last chapter of JLA: Obsidian Age yet so I'm not sure what is happening there.

The artwork is good, better than I was expecting, and I like the coloring so far, too. Never underestimate the importance of good coloring in a book based underwater!

Overall, a promising start. I think the preview did it's job of whetting our appetites (although I'm not in the target audience for the preview), now it's just a long wait until December 11th (35 more days!). Preview: 3 1/2 starfish.