Thursday, December 05, 2002

Rapid Reviews - 4 Dec 2002 - Part II

Justice League Adventures #14: Nice. Aquaman alone is enough to keep the Justice League busy. Definitely like a story like that. And it's also nice to see Batman as detective. That is one of my favorite aspects of the animated Batman: he's a detective, but he's not impossible to follow. 4 starfish.
I'm still trying to figure out what the weird "VERB" insert is, though. The website offered no clues. Interesting Aquaman, but why aren't his eyes blue?

JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice: Decent book, but there were too many jumps. Slight logic jumps in the story that broke up the flow. Usually they don't bother me in comic books, but for some reason they didn't work well in this one for me. 3 starfish.

Aquaman #1: Through my haze of joy at reading this early, I was still able to point out what might be flaws (I'll need to look more closely to be sure). Still, it's what I wanted and hoped for from this first issue. No rating until it comes out for real!

Next Week's Shipping List: Amelia Rules #8, Powers #26, PS238 #0, Hawkman #10, Avengers #61, and Colonia #8. I hope they all come out! Tuesday #2 was missing from this week's shipment, by the way.