Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Customer Support

I hated the job when I had to work it. So I sympathize with most people who do it. But I keep running into really bad customer service people. These are the ones that tell you the facts in a superior voice, then refuse to clarify if you ask a question. These are the ones that lose patience with you less than a minute into a call (it usually took me at least five minutes of stupidity before I lost patience). Then, when you have finally had enough of their insults and ask to speak to their supervisors, they keep you on the line and repeatedly try to "fix" their mistakes, or they hang up on you. I have yet to get through to a supervisor on a call to one of these really bad service guys. And it's always a guy. While I've had problems with female service reps, they usually will pass me along to their supervisor without question when I ask. Of course, I don't exactly have a representative sample. I've had trouble with customer service people on the phone maybe five times in my life, simply because I try to be polite since I know what those folks are going through. I'm generally very easy-going. It's when I get lied to or when I'm told (like I was yesterday by a male service rep) that I should have lied that I get angry.