Thursday, January 23, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 22 Jan 2003 - Part II

Batman: Gotham Adventures #58: The Creeper and Scarface. What an absolutely perfect fit! A brilliant story. Ok, it was at least fun. 4 starfish. 4 starfish

Birds of Prey #51: This book has just gone downhill recently. It hasn't hit rock bottom yet, but it's close. I'm mildly interested in the Oracle half of this storyline, and totally bored by the Black Canary half. 1 1/2 starfish. 1 1/2 starfish

JLA/Spectre: Soul War #1: er, what? I'm sure things will clear up a bit in the next issue, but this wasn't terribly promising. Ya know how I'm complaining about an alien invasion in Titans? It goes triple for this one. 2 starfish. 2 starfish

Did I mention that the Aquaman Archive was better than I expected? Still to review: Supergirl, Castle Waiting, and Interman.