Oh, that was the year. Kaluta was the Aquaman cover artist for awhile longer yet, and it was wonderful to visit his table. I was mildly disappointed that he didn't have any Aquaman covers for sale, but then I knew that I wouldn't have been able to afford any. As I came up, a couple of kids were looking at the paintings for Books of Magic. They left, and Kaluta told me that he liked seeing kids at comic conventions, but they all kept asking him where Harry's scar was.
by Michael Wm Kaluta
21 July 2000
(permission to post given 17 August 2003 via e-mail)
This is a painting-in-pencil sketch. I've noticed that painters tend to want to fill in the entire page, if possible, when doing a sketch. Leaving whitespace doesn't seem to be an option. I don't mind, but it does seem an interesting quirk.
To see all the sketches I have permission to post so far, check out my Sketchbook Page. If you have any contact information for any of the other artists I'm trying to contact, please e-mail me. I'll update this post with the list tomorrow.
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