Friday, April 30, 2004

Friday Fitness Blogging

I've noticed a number of other bloggers posting their fitness stats and goals. While I don't really pay close attention to them, I do admire the fact that they're working on it, and they've got fellow bloggers and readers to call them out if they don't make progress. So I'm going to try to start my newest endeavor, the Friday Fitness Blogging. I'll confess that it might not work, and I might stop blogging my fitness quickly... I don't know. Indeed, there is no way to know until you try. So I'm going to try.

Here's the starting stats. I'm overweight. I don't particularly care how much I weigh, in general, but my weight is causing health problems and making me miserable. So it only makes sense that I should attempt to shed a few pounds. But for a variety of reasons, not the least of them pure embarrassment, I'm not going to tell you how much I weigh. All I plan on telling you is that I've recorded my weight in my food diary, and every Friday morning I'll have a weigh-in and record here, on the blog, the difference from last week and from starting point X.

Food diary... ah yes. I once went on a quite successful diet/exercise program. There were two main parts to it. One was a food diary, the other was an exercise chart. I didn't reach my goal weight, but I was well on the way when I suddenly fell ill and stopped exercising. Depression soon followed, and I stopped keeping track of my food. At which point the program failed and I started to gain again.

That's where the blog here comes in. My hope is that, due to my anal-retentive nature, I'll feel incredibly guilty if I don't post my current information. That'll hopefully give me the additional incentive to keep on keeping on.

Anyway, I plan on this being a pretty short blog every Friday morning. I'll just list the stats, and maybe comment on how I feel. Nothing more. Don't feel obligated to give me cheers of encouragement, don't feel like you need to say "good job, Laura" whenever I post the FFB, but don't hesitate to do so if you feel like it! So, here's the first one, to establish the pattern:

  • Weight = X
  • Change From Last Week = 0
  • Met Exercise Goal? Yes
    Goal was ten minutes a day on bike or treadmill starting on Monday.
  • Current Exercise Goal = ten minutes a day on bike or treadmill, at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? Yes, started on Monday.

And that's all until next week.