Friday, April 30, 2004

Random Thoughts

You can get just about anything out of a Japanese Vending Machine. Via Metafilter.

Steve Pheley, Gutter Ninja, made a splash with his post on what Marvel and DC learned from Manga, and he's off and running with another intelligent post on genre comics. Welcome to the blogosphere, Steve, I think you'll fit right in.

Here's one for the hubby: Slate reviews the Fairly Oddparents.

I guess, from reading other blogs, that it's Poem in Your Pocket Day, which is also now Poem on Your Blog Day. So here's mine current favorite, or at least the one that's currently running through my head nearly constantly: We and They by Rudyard Kipling. There are also some good notes on the poem on the same site. In general, Kipling is one of my favorite poets since I discovered one of his poems in Middle School and spent many hours trying to explain it to bored friends.