Friday, May 28, 2004

Friday Fitness Blogging

  • Weight = Still no reading
  • Change From Last Week = No reading (no scale, no number, sorry)
  • Met Exercise Goal? Yes
    Goal was ten minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least four days.
  • Current Exercise Goal = ten minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? Yes.

I'm having a hard time not snacking. I figured it would get to this point. Keeping away from snacks the first couple of weeks was really easy. But now I'm into my diet and routine, and I've started to get cravings for snacks. I've been mostly able to avoid over-snacking by simply grabbing a 20 ounce bottle of water whenever I get an urge to snack and telling myself that I can have a snack after I've finished the water. By the time I finish the water, the craving is usually gone. It's just hard.