Saturday, May 01, 2004

Random Thoughts

Ah, you MUST see this neat little flash animation of Tom Lehrer's The Elements Song. This neat link via Modulator.

Ever heard of Grape Tomatoes? Well, not if you live in the EU. Another story of regulation gone mad. Also via Modulator.

Mike Sterling tackles Demo. I haven't missed the sixth issue of Demo, have I? I don't recall seeing it in the shipping lists...

Ok, Just in case there was any doubt whatsoever, my little shop brings in almost no money. I've been testing it the last few months, putting more links in my regular blogs... but people rarely buy anything. I get most of my referrals from family members, when they remember to go through my site. For the last six months I got exactly $12.47 in referrals... enough to buy a paperback if you include tax and shipping. My shop is doing slightly better, but only because it appeals to Eric's friends. In short, our desperate need for a second income has not been met at all by my on-line commercial efforts. No surprise, really.

The Mariners lost again today, bringing them to 8-16, not a good record at all. Oh well.

We have a neighbor practicing on his bagpipe. I love the sound of bagpipes. I hope other neighbors aren't bothered by it. Due to the warm weather, everyone has doors and windows open, so we can hear it.