Saturday, May 01, 2004

Sketchbook - Jeff Parker

I got my Jeff Parker sketch on the third day of the 2000 San Diego Comicon. When I went to that convention, my little sister was off in Paraguay, and I was writing to her every week. The con report was cobbled together from my very long letters to her about the event. Anyway, one of my favorite sketches from the con was the one by this guy named Jeff Parker. I'd never heard of him before he did my sketch, and only went to his table because someone else recommended his art. Much later, when I first heard about "The Interman", I ordered it almost immediately because of that sketch. And I enjoyed it, too. I just finished re-reading it, after getting it back from loaning it to my sister, and I enjoyed it as much (if not more) on the second read. So, here's the sketch that made me such an Interman booster:

by Jeff Parker
22 July 2000
(permission to post given 29 Feb 2004 in person)

As a reminder: Almost every sketch in my sketchbook was non-commissioned and done on the floor of a con. These are not the best works of the artists. These are only representative of what the artist can do under pressure in a loud, crowded, and often stressed-out environment. Most of them were done as quickly as possible, to prevent huge lines from forming. Don't judge any of these artists negatively by the artwork you see, instead be as impressed as I am by what they accomplished in far-from-ideal conditions.

To see all the sketches I have permission to post so far, check out my Sketchbook Page. If you have any contact information for any of the other artists I'm trying to contact, please e-mail me. Click for a random Aquaman sketch.

The Saturday Sketch ™ is brought to you by the letters "J", "P" and the number "27", and also courtesy the fine artists who pour their lives into producing wonderful comic books, then come to conventions only to get asked by geeky fangirls for a sketch of Aquaman. Support an artist, buy a comic book.

If you have a sketch site and would like to link to my Sketchbook Page, please let me know about the site so I can link back to you! I now have a number of good links, I don't mind adding a bunch more. At the request of Matthieu-David, I made a banner link, which people are free to use to link to me (I'd prefer if you host it on your own server, though).

As you can see, I took the Jeff Parker sketch along with the Paul Chadwick sketch to create the banner, as those were two sketches that worked iconically, and reduced extremely well. On my Main Sketchbook Page I now also list which artists I currently have permission to post (so you can get an idea of what sketches will be posted in upcoming Saturday Sketch ™ posts), which artists I'm still looking for permission to post (and while I've contacted the agents to some of these artists, I have reluctantly decided that the permission of an agent is not the same as the permission of an artist and I won't post unless I know the artist is aware of what I'm doing), my con reports (including my massive San Diego Comicon 2000 report), and links to other sketch sites.