Monday, May 10, 2004

Random Thoughts

Don't forget to enter the Demo Contest. It ends on May 12th. "If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Why? What would you do with it -- good or evil or amoral?"

Fascinating questionnaire trying to answer the age old questions about who reads Manga. If you haven't put your answers in this one, go for it. It'll take a few minutes, but the results should be very interesting. Via Worlds within Worlds

Everything you wanted to know about the Comic Weblog Updates page (but were too lazy to ask).

Hubby-Eric will be happy to hear that 'Wicked' Dominates Tony Nominations With 10 (NY Times, registration required). Says the article: "Wicked," the musical inspired by "The Wizard of Oz" that delves into the past of the Wicked Witch of the West, captured 10 Tony Award nominations this morning, burying its competition somewhere under Auntie Em's house.

Slate has an article on Jock Blogging. Professional athletes blogging instead of facing the press.

Political Bit: Why didn't we tear that prison down? It was a symbol of everything wrong in Iraq under Saddam, and we not only left it up, we used it. There's evidence that people put into a situation like that will act the way they did. Mistakes were made, once again by the people doing the planning... if there was any planning done at all, which I'm doubting. You can't win over hearts and minds when you are beating the bodies. What idiot is in charge in Iraq? He needs to be punished, just like all the soldiers involved need to be punished, and their immediate superiors. The lot of them should be court-martialed on live TV in Iraq, then the US should destroy the prison completely, turn it into rubble, and put up a monument with a promise that it'll never happen again. Then we should keep our word, for once. End Political Bit.

I'm still experimenting with "new blogger", so don't be surprised if things change around a bit. And I apologize in advance to anyone who has gotten a whole lot of extra posts in their RSS feed since yesterday from this blog. All these "republish" options have made it hard to not republish.