Monday, May 10, 2004

Blogger Comments are Sadly Lacking

I thought I would start to switch over, but then I noticed the big problems with Blogger Comments as compared to Haloscan.

You can open Blogger comments to anyone (which I have), but when you post, you seem to have only two choices. If you are a registered user of Blogger, it allows you to put your name, but if you aren't, you are anonymous. In addition, there's no options to enter e-mail or, more importantly, website address. I visit a LOT of the websites because of the comments on my blog, so not having an easy way to enter a website address is just stupid. Every single commenting system I've seen up 'til now includes websites.

Now, I figured if you are a registered user of blogger, the link it puts in will go back to your website. But it doesn't. It goes to some "profile" crap that most of us haven't set up and probably don't want to. Another pointless layer of complication put in for no good reason.

So I've put the Haloscan comments front-and-center again, and would prefer if people use those. The Permalinks are good, and I like that change (it's nice to have a little page for every post), but until they fix the commenting, I think I'll stick with Haloscan.

Update: Another advantage to Haloscan I forgot, I can set up an RSS feed for my comments from Haloscan and be able to see any new comments in Bloglines. I can't seem to do that in Blogger Comments. Yeah, Haloscan does go down a bit, but I'm also a paying customer of Haloscan, and I bet if everyone who really liked Haloscan had paid for it, they wouldn't have as many server problems, if any at all.