Friday, June 25, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 23 June 2004 - Part III

Common Grounds #6: I liked the first story, but I wasn't terribly pleased with the artwork. It just didn't do anything for me. The second story was ok, but it only worked in the context of the series as a whole. And, frankly, I want MORE. I hope to see a lot more of Common Grounds in the future. Recommended. 4 starfish

Witchblade #76: As I said, I bought this solely because the writer of "Common Grounds", Troy Hickman, is writing this two-issue arc. I don't have anything against Witchblade, but the art generally turns me off... in fact I was a bit embarrassed buying this issue with the mostly naked woman on the cover. Anyway. The story is strong, too bad the artwork was a little on the weak side at times. Everybody in the entire book has the same eyebrows, and most of them have similar faces. I may be overstating it a bit, but it is annoying. This one is worth a look, despite some minor art problems. Mildly recommended. 3 1/2 starfish

Java! #1: This is from local company Committed Comics, Neo Dawn, and it's set in Seattle after the coffee riots of 2054. You may be able to tell from the description that this isn't a very serious book. It's a nice little farce, actually. It's amusing and goofy. Mildly recommended. 3 1/2 starfish

Next week's books: Green Lantern, JLA, Harley and Ivy, and Colonia. And starting July 3rd, my rapid reviews of the Free Comics. Of the original 32 books, two were cancelled before reaching stores, and it appears that two didn't ship to my shop. We'll see as the day gets closer and all the sorting gets done.