Sunday, June 06, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Angel Season One DVDs - Part IX

Angel [1-17]: Eternity: Wahoo! Another episode in which Angel gets tied to a bed! *ahem* In this episode, Angel gets a job guarding a Hollywood star who figures out what he is. It's a bit of a story about the nature of evil, as well as the nature of good. Cordelia makes a good point about honesty at the end of the episode. And I get to see "modern" Angelus for the first time. 3 1/2 starfish

Angel [1-18]: Five By Five: This one would no doubt have made much more sense if I knew who Faith was. Yeah, I picked up enough to get the idea that she was a slayer, that Wesley was her Watcher, and that something horrible happened to her that involved both Angel and Wesley, but I'm betting it would have helped a lot if I'd seen the Buffy episodes where all that happened. Besides that, this is an intense episode. What Faith does to Wesley alone pushes this one up over the edge, but the bit with Angelus and the gypsy was a little overmuch, also. The DVD also has the script for this episode, and I wasted a good bit of time flipping through it. 4 starfish