Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Random Thoughts

The Muppet version of The Wizard of Oz gets more details in rumors. Will this get made? I sure hope so, though I'm kind of hoping the details change a bit more.

An earthquake hit the Olympics. I didn't see anything about it on the TV coverage, but then virtually everything is tape delayed and I wasn't paying close attention since I've been trying to monitor my internet connection. Via Stuart Hughes.

Boing Boing points us to a primer on How to make 3D Photos. Doesn't sound too difficult.

Also at Boing Boing is a link to an edit of Planet of the Apes into an episode of The Twilight Zone. I'm downloading it now, but it sounds like a real labor of love.

Garrett directs us to a great post about how one man fought the INS and won.

George Takei visits the internment camp where he spent part of his youth as part of the immoral act of collective punishment that the United States committed during WWII. With some disgusting people now arguing that the camps were good policy, it's important to go back and read first-hand testimony of people who were actually there. Link via MetaFilter.

I want to watch Comedy Central tonight. For the first time since the Olympics started, I'm not interested in them at all. I want to see The Daily Show with Jon Stewart... and John Kerry. Stewart is a great interviewer, asking hard questions from all his guests, no matter their political bent. I hope he asked Kerry HARD questions and I hope Kerry actually answers. It's sad that a "fake news" show is the best source for news on TV.

A long time ago I posted my first picture from my digital camera. This picture is of the same bramble of blackberries, only a wee bit more ripe, taken from a different angle.