Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Eleven List Inspired Reviews

For these reviews I thank Steve Lieber of Mercury Studios for starting the meme, and the King County Library System for its excellent collection of books and ease with which they can be checked out.

Bone Volume Two: The Great Cow Race: Still very good, but not quite as good as the first volume. There is mystery and adventure, but not as much tension. Yes, the scheme with the betting caused some tension, but it's not as deep or as fascinating as what we saw in the first volume. It's a recommended book, but definitely read volume one first... I have the rest of the volumes that my library carries on the way to me, so I'll review the rest as they come in. 4 starfish

Bone Volume Three: Eyes of the Storm: This is more like it. It's like the whole book was kicked back up a notch. There were revealations and action, and some really good bits of humor and excitement. In fact, I daresay I like this one better than the first volume. Most excellent. 4 1/2 starfish