Monday, September 27, 2004

Give Blood

So one thing I did today while I was out and about was donate blood. Let me tell you about my donating blood. I've had some very bad experiences with it. I passed out my very first time, and have nearly passed out twice since. I once got a first-time nurse who turned my inside-right elbow into a giant bruise and had to give up and let another person draw from my left arm. I have small veins and often end up being poked in both arms before they can find one that will work.

But giving blood is important, and as long as I'm healthy enough to do it, I probably will.

Today went well. There was a little more pain than I expected, but nothing I couldn't deal with and even forget about after a couple of minutes. The techs brought me apple juice instead of letting me walk over to the waiting area (because of my previous problems). And while I felt pretty weak most of the afternoon, as evening rolled around I started to feel genuinely good. I even picked up my nephew when I shouldn't have.