Welcome to Autumn.
Giant microbes. Plush fuzzy friendlies shaped like common diseases. Just the sort of thing Warren Ellis would point his readers to. I think the Rhinovirus is the cutest.
Shane Bailey is linkblogging again (does he ever stop?) go visit and check it out. 24 Hour Pixel People has some really good links up right now, too.
South Knox Bubba has another good entry: "New questions about service records have surfaced. Two former Air Force researchers have uncovered startling new information about a certain fighter pilot's fitness for duty. There are no fake memos involved this time. Instead they have documented evidence on film." Fascinating stuff.
The Seattle Times has an article about blogs. Yawn.
The lamp is happy to see you.
When Iranian newspapers are banned, Iranian Bloggers take up the fight. If there's hope for Iran, a part of it can be seen on Iran's blogs.
Apparently is is illegal to protest. Or walk down the street in an unmarked zone that is covered by this ridiculous law.
Slashdot explains why you should NEVER respond to spam, especially if it involves clicking on a link in the spam message.
Man returns UPS Shirt after a pleasant non-lawyer talk with UPS rep.
I'm addicted to Firefox. It's ten times faster than Mozilla on my computer, and after adding a few small extensions and changing a couple of settings, I like it almost as much as Mozilla in some places and much much more in others.
Jog the Blogger tells us about the top book on the challenged books list I linked to. Makes me want to go find the books and check them out!
The Modulator pledges to re-read Of Mice and Men in honor of Banned Books Week. I'm thinking maybe of re-reading Huck Finn if I don't find something else on the list I want to try out. Like Jog's suggestion of Scary Stories.
In any case, here are a couple of the Banned Books Week posters:
Banned Books Week is September 24th to October 1st.
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