Sunday, December 12, 2004

Rapid Reviews - TV Shows and a Movie

Justice League Unlimited [3-10]: Dark Heart: Atom is the star in this one, but it's also a great "spot the Leaguer" episode, as you can't help but spend half your time trying to identify different heroes. The story is a bit gruesome if you think about the fate of the hikers at the beginning... but it was written by Warren Ellis, so what can you expect? No Aquaman, but still a great little story. 4 starfish

Smallville [4-09]: Bound: So Clark finally figures out that Lex isn't a virgin. Nice detective work to solve the crime, but how many times has Lex admitted he is/was a playboy in the past? Why is Clark surprised? I don't know, Clark is naive, but surely not that naive. Especially after his summer in Metropolis. 3 1/2 starfish

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow: Finally saw this at a second-run theatre. As fun as I was expecting it to be. Light on plot, but visually lovely and wonderfully evocative of the pulp era. The city was a bit dark and muddy-looking at the start of the movie, but it seemed to improve. I don't know if that was an effect of the print we were watching, or some sort of intentional mood setting. If it was the latter, it didn't work. But I liked the movie overall. It was a great fun, especially the extremely cute ending. I found it very difficult at times to believe that it was almost all computer generated. 4 starfish