Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Morning Random Thoughts

Please enter Bloggity Contest #1 if you want a copy of Colonia: Islands and Anomolies by Jeff Nicholson. Deadline is January 20th.

Someone has collected all the Hallmarks of Felinity from the comic strip 9 Chickweed Lane. Yes, they are properly numbered, and up to 187. Via Metafilter.

Sci-Fi Wire reports that Disney has the feature rights to John Christopher's Tripod Trilogy and a movie is now in the works with a third writer now taking a shot at the adaptation. I loved this series as a kid, and I'm not sure about any movie based on it made by Disney.

The Guardian visits the modern home of the Templars to find out what they are up to, and gets pretty much nothing.

The Legacy of Y2K. I was in the thick of it for awhile there, watching from just off to the side. There was a lot more to the threat than most people realize even today. As one article put it: "some businesses under-reacted to the problem at first, and then spent more money than they should have scrambling to fix their software." But this Slashdot article also points out there is another bug coming in 2038, this one an artefact of how many seconds can be stored in a piece of data. *sigh*

Don't understand BitTorrent? Here's BT 101.