Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Random Thought-like Things

Please enter Bloggity Contest #1 if you want a copy of Colonia: Islands and Anomolies by Jeff Nicholson. Deadline is January 20th.

Why Microsoft sucks. And this guy had even turned off automatic updates. Ug. Via Garrett.

Afraid your laptop will be stolen? Put it in a pizza box. heh.

The biggest comic book stories of 2004 according to comic book creators.

Beatrix Potter's classic children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit has been translated into ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs by the British Museum. "Beatrix Potter's words sometimes do not readily fall into ancient Egyptian," Richard Parkinson and John Nunn, Translators, wrote in the foreward.

How to make a wallet out of 20 crisp new dollar bills. What's in your wallet? via Boing Boing.

A proposal for a "rational calendar". I'm not sure I'm keen on it, but it looks interesting.

Johnny B's art tribute to Will Eisner.

Oh my pika-pika-CHU! Via TangognaT.