Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 29 December 2004 - Part II

I suppose I'd better finish off last year's reviews before I start this year's.

What If Aunt May Had Died Instead Of Uncle Ben?: Two guys in a comic shop discuss this alternate, and it pretty much reads like something two guys in a comic shop would come up with. There are some really strong parts, and some really fannish parts, and it all works out in the end. Not a bad read at all, and about what you'd expect from the What If event. 3 1/2 starfish

What If General Ross Had Become The Hulk?: Whoa. This one is excellent start to finish, even if the Hulk has a stupid moustache. I don't really want to give anything away, but I can say that you can always count on Peter David to wrap everything up very nicely when given the chance. 4 starfish

What If Dr. Doom Had Become The Thing?: I was not familiar with the origin of Doctor Doom, so the nice first-page recap was very useful. The story itself worked out well, too, with explanations for why the double-brained team didn't prevent the "accident" and also for why Rick Jones wasn't on the test field. Ahem. It was also a bit of a trip to read this one right after reading the Hulk one. Decent. 3 1/2 starfish

Supreme Power #14: "Objects In Motion": Four of them come together, not cheerfully, and take out a bad guy. But now what's the situation? The players know each other, but what will happen now? And what about the others we've sort of, but not quite, met? The book is keeping me interested. I just wish things would happen a wee bit faster. 4 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #74/515: "Skin Deep": An old nerd friend of Peter's takes advantage of his name to get funding. Having been a nerd, and having had someone take advantage of my name before, the story hit me between the eyes. I'm very interested in seeing where this will take Peter, yet I'm cringing all along. 4 starfish