Sunday, February 20, 2005

Random Thoughtsey Things

Wallace & Gromit Movie.

Blockbuster is being sued for lying about late fees.

Franklin directs us to screenwriter John Rogers take-down of comic events. Rogers also covers other comic books in another entry, including Aquaman.

Parody of Christo's "Gates".

Stupid Motorist Law. Arizona is finally enforcing a law that requires motorists to reimburse the state for the cost of rescues. Via Various and Sundry.

Who owns the copyright on an NBA star's tattoo?

Strindberg and Helium. I watched them... very wierd.

The Former Owners. Otto's odd experiences with getting someone else's problems.

WonderCon report from Anna of Dorothy of Oz.

Virginia Hey on how to NOT treat guests at a convention. Hubby-Eric and I intend to someday write a full guide on how to attent a convention, and the proper treatment of "celebrities" or guests is going to get a chapter.

Bloggers talking about blogging.