Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Random Thoughties For The Day

Tomorrow is the start of Holy Pasta Week:

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"
Plan your menus now.

Oooh, check out the Wikipedia entry on Pasta. Arr. Ramen.

The chances for a major earthquake in the Seattle area are up right now, as we're having an episodic tremor and slip (ETS), which happens every 14.5 months and lasts about two weeks. Thanks for the tip, Garrett. I still haven't forgotten the Nisqually Quake in Feb 2001.

Garg! I still need to order Flytrap so I don't miss out on it. More at Newsarama.

Narwain, a publisher I mentioned in my Flipping Through Previews... post, is doing a Katrina victims benefit book called New Orleans and Jazz.

H at Comic Treadmill does a review of Super DC Giant S-26: "In one of the stories in this issue, octopi attack an alien ship with hand grenades. There. I’ve said it. We’ve gotten it out of the way right from the start and I can move on and stop obsessing about octopi pulling pins and hurling grenades. Actually I can't stop obsessing about it. When the Aquaman movie is finally made, a scene like that better be in it."

Polite Scott gives us the uses of blood in comics.

Brian Wood is powerful. Scary stuff, kiddies.

Check out Trash Heap for the latest on John's Brother, who is being booted out of Australia.

Huh. I'm feeling net fatigue. I think I'll leave this for tonight.