Saturday, April 08, 2006

Random Thoughts

Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #45!

Five names retired from the 2005 hurricane season. Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Stan and Wilma won't be hurricane names again.

Lea Hernandez tells us that Friends of Lulu is starting a fund "for women in the industry who wish to pursue legal action in sexual assault cases". It's overdue, and a good idea. And I agree with Lea's issues with the prize package as noted in her entry.

Jay Hosler and The Diabolical Dr NoNoNo! (PDF link, use FoxIt for quick PDF loading). And visit Jay Hosler's whole page while you're at it.

Loren at Suspension of Disbelief has created a list of Free Online Comic Books, posted by the publishers for fans to read, along with a list of trades to get if you liked the free ecomics.

One of Kryptonsite's 2005 April Fool's joke came true... will one of their 2006 jokes come true as well?

Wil Wheaton links to an incredible look at the Trinity Test Site called Dark Miracle. Just click on the Flickr set of photos.

Cartoonist duplicated paintings in order to keep them for himself and his children during a divorce.

The Museum of Hoaxes talks about the MIT vs Caltech tradition.

Words fail me... this guy is a complete lunatic and ought to be locked up. No woman in their right mind would want to date a scumbag like him.