Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Avast! Talk Like A Pirate! Arrr!!!

Holy Pasta Week
Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"

ARRRRR!!! This be the final day of Holy Pasta Week, and Talk Like A Pirate Day to boot! ARRR! I be listening to the Talk Like A Pirate Day Theme Song by Tom Smith (lyrics). And typing on me jolly Pirate Keyboard. Arrrr!

Tom Smith be filking Harry Potter and Pirates in Hey, It's Can(n)on.

Arrr! Swedish Pirates Keelhauled.

Polite Scott o' the Seven Seas be posting about Pirates in Comics.

Black Jack Says

Colleen Doran be starting a web comic. ARRRR!!!

Fish Warn of Water Sabotage. Arrr!

Arrr! On-line scurvy scumboids steal yer passwords with a Trojan. Harrrr!

The Bad Astronomer tells us of a Supernova discovery. Arrr! There be exploding stars!

Ay, those scurvy dogs at American Airlines deserves to be keelhauled for their nasty actions. Via Cap'n Killer Christopher.

Ok, that's enough of the pirate talk. My head hurts. I surrender.

The Beat tells us that Supernatural Law has been on-line a whole year!

People are People.