Tuesday, February 12, 2008


In a few days I get to visit a school with some games for a gaming afternoon with some high school students. I went out to the shop I sometimes work at to get a few demo games to take. They let me snag Blokus, Quits, Batik, and Pirateer. The only snag is that I have to learn any game I borrow. That's the rule with the shop. I know Batik already, but I'll have to figure out the other three. I had to download the rules to Pirateer because the demo is missing the rulebook.

Anyway. This game day also gave me an excuse to use my birthday money to buy a copy of Quarto, a game I've wanted since I first played it. This adds to my modest game collection. I have Abalone, Gobblet, Checkers 2000, Apples to Apples, Set, Fluxx, Express, Mille Bornes, Empire Builder, The aMAZEing Labyrinth, Phase 10, and a nice collection of dice games. And that's just the games I can easily get at. I may have more hiding around the house. We also have the usual... backgammon, chess, checkers, Scrabble, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, mancala.

Now the trick is finding someone to play the games with. I wonder how much I'll have to bribe hubby-Eric to play a game a night with me?